The refurbishment of a retail unit in Scotland, ready for a new tenant to move into, has involved the UK’s only national cosmetic repair specialist, Plastic Surgeon, in carrying out extensive work on damaged metal cladding panels around the building.
The negotiated, time defined contract for Mansell at the Central Retail Park in Falkirk was in fact the second occasion Plastic Surgeon has completed such work for the renowned main contractor, having been brought in to deal with cladding and other repairs to a neighbouring property previously.
This time Mansell was carrying out improvements and alterations on behalf of its client, Hobbycraft, and Plastic Surgeon’s expertise was required because the original type of aluminium profiles covering the steel framed structure are no longer available; meaning the installation of a whole new façade around the various elevations would have been the only, and very costly alternative.
Explaining the challenge that he and his team of Finishers were presented with on the Falkirk property, Plastic Surgeon’s Operations Manager for Scotland comments: “The cladding to the building was of typically soft metal, and various panels had been dented and creased or otherwise damaged. Some looked as though they were the result of a car crash – much of it being due to vandalism; and because that aluminium profile is no longer produced, our repairing them was the only chance of getting the place finished on time and on budget.”
Using a variety of access options, depending on the height above ground of the damage, Plastic Surgeon’s Finishers set about reshaping the battered metalwork. The repair specialist recruits its operatives from all walks of life – including a proportion from outside of the building industry – and one of those involved at Falkirk was able to put his past experience as a panel beater to good use on the deeper areas of damage.
As with many of Plastic Surgeon’s repair techniques – taught to the Finishers during weeks of training at its Westcountry headquarters – a lot of the interventions here saw dents and scratches being filled using its Cold Weld gel and two part fillers. With the damage built back slightly proud of the original profile, the Finishers then smooth them back flush using a graduation of abrasives. Then with suitably sized areas fully prepared, the cladding was re-sprayed with the matching RAL number of polyurethane paint; leaving the walls looking as good as new.
The Operations Manager continues saying: “Two of our most experienced Finishers headed up the project and undertook most of the major repairs while the rest of the team concentrated on the preparation and minor, or ‘Smart Repairs’.